Interview With Poker Pro and Survivor China Contestant Jean-Robert Bellande

Jean-Robert Bellande is the poker pro you love to hate but he’s a survivor in more ways than one. He’s lived like millionaire for years despite living on the edge of being broke and he loved playing the villain the TV show Survivor. We caught up with Jean-Robert in Vegas the day before this year’s World Series of Poker first event to see how his new found fame has changed his life, what crazy prop bets he’s gotten himself into this year and how he started his rise to poker stardom.

PokerLizard: So how is registration for the World Series going, they always seem to make a few screw ups along the way? Is it going smoothly or is there a big line of the people?

Jean-Robert: I just went over there and there was no line, I just registered now  situs poker online,

PokerLizard: Are you going to play in the 40K?

Jean-Robert: I am actually not going to play in the 40K now, too big a buy in.

PokerLizard: Sure, why not just play in the smaller events where it is a bunch of donkeys? Playing in the 40K, will be good for publicity if you make the final table to be on TV; but it seems like the field will be way too tough not to mention the huge buyin.

Jean-Robert: Yeah it is tough field equity wise; it is not a great value. May be it is good for people who have a lot of money and want to get a bracelet because it’s going to be a smaller field than I had imagined with somewhere between 200 and 300 people. The TV value is there, but it is only 2 hours of television time, and no real guarantee of getting on TV.

PokerLizard: What you think about the choices for the televised World Series of Poker only having four events televised. The $40k, Main Event, Ante up for Africa charity event, and the Tournament of Champions event with all the past champions.

Jean-Robert: Actually TV-wise, I can understands the decision on the part of ABC or ESPN because I mean that is what the public is interested in. The general public does not really understand games like HORSE and Pot Limit Omaha. They have been spending a lot of time educating the public which I think they could have benefited from this year. The last three years had been televising the $50k HORSE event, , they have been educating the public and I think they get more viewers each year, so this year they might have got more than last year, but the bottom line is people would rather see No Limit Hold’em. With this 40K that they are basically guaranteed that they are going to have big names at the final table because half the field is going to be all big names.

Jean-Robert: Half the field is going to be big names and really really good players for the guaranteed star studded final table. It’s the same thing with the Tournament of Champions; then you’ve got the main event. I would not be surprised if there are more big names deeper in the tournament this year because they have given us 30,000 in starting chips instead of 20k. the more starting chips you’re given it makes it more challenging deeper in the tournament.

Jean-Robert: Yeah, so for them I think it’s a good decision but for poker players of course more televised event is better. We would like that. Yeah, I can understand why they would do that.

PokerLizard: Right, just the cost to putting it all together is going to be a lot cheaper than to stick around as long to pay Norman Chad his huge salary.

Jean-Robert: I do not think that is the case. I know there are still a lot more taped days this year. I would not be surprised if the viewership on ESPN 360 goes way up. I know that they are going to be showing quite a few of the events online.

PokerLizard: That should be pretty cool. How many events are you going to play?

Jean-Robert: I am really going to see as we go. Last year I think I played like 23 events last year. I was looking at the events that I am interested in. I am actually interested in 42 different events, they overlap each other, but I would imagine that I would probably end up playing somewhere between 20 and 25 events again this year.

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Poker Bonuses Online


Playing real live poker in your home is fine, there is nothing like getting a bunch of friends and family together and breaking the beers out and playing a few hours of poker. But individuals are so busy, it’s tough to fine But internet poker is instantaneous and live and you can always get a game that fits your pocket together with people prepared to play with you. You may even play with poker free and soon you get your confidence up and you’ve learned the fundamentals of doing it for yourself.

For those who have decided to play with poker on the web, you have options. All these are split into three primary categories, currency games where you play cash, play money games at which you are able to practice for free, and also a third kind of dominoqq – the poker free roll. A freeroll is a sort of hybrid between cash games and play money games and in fact could be the better of both worlds.

In free rolls, your entry to the game is literally free, you do not need to pay for such a thing (although you will have to accomplish a very simple form to become a member of their poker room). The significant bonus however is that if you secure the championship or are placed tremendously, you may win a real cash prize.

Here’s how you triumph in Poker.


A K Q J 10 All the same lawsuit. This can be the best possible hand and can be unbeatable.


Any 4 cards that are the same, eg A A A


Three of a kind and 2 of some Sort, eg Q Q Q 4 4



Almost five successive (in a row) cards of different matches, eg 4 of spades 5 of 5 hearts 6 of nightclubs 7 of nightclubs 8 of nightclubs.


Eg 7 7


2 sets of different pairs, eg K K 7


Any two cards the same, eg J-j


The Greatest ranking card at the hand

Internet poker sites offer all kinds of enticing bonuses for one to play on their respective sites. It is more money agreed to you, the player, for choosing which site over another online poker site. Obviously, collecting a bonus gives the site in question no rights to exclusivity on your play, but many websites will willingly spend the chance that as soon as you get started playing their website, you’ll stay out there.

I suggest this resource very highly, you can play for quite a long time to the free money available – even in case you lose all the time. And should you lose, just move ahead to the next free money site!

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Cara Bermain Blackjack 21


Blackjack tidak terlalu sulit untuk dipelajari. Ini memiliki satu tujuan: mendapatkan total kartu 21 tanpa melampaui 21. Melewati 21 adalah penghilang dan berarti bahwa Anda telah kehilangan putaran itu dan taruhan Anda. Tetapi jika Anda tidak melampaui 21 dan dealer baik-baik saja atau memiliki total kartu kurang dari milik Anda, Anda menang dengan pembayaran 2: 1. Sekarang mendapatkan blackjack berarti Anda memiliki pembayaran 3: 2. Pertama, Anda perlu memahami persyaratan bermain untuk blackjack.

Stand: Berdiri berarti Anda tidak ingin di lagi kartu. Ada dua cara untuk mengekspresikan ini ke dealer. Beberapa tabel akan memungkinkan untuk permintaan verbal ke dealer, di mana Anda akan mengatakan ‘Stand’ of ‘Stay’. Jika Anda bermain di meja nonverbal, Anda melambaikan tangan ke kartu dengan gerakan ‘tidak, terima kasih’. Dalam blackjack online Anda cukup mengklik tombol ‘berdiri’.

Hit: Memukul berarti menerima kartu lain. Anda hanya melakukan ini jika total Anda tidak dalam bahaya menerobos dengan kartu lain; menggunakan strategi dasar adalah cara terbaik untuk memutuskan apakah akan memukul atau berdiri. Jika Anda ingin kartu lain dan berada di meja lisan, beri tahu dealer ‘Hit.’ Di meja nonverbal Anda akan menggaruk jari-jari Anda di atas meja dengan gerakan terbalik ‘datang ke sini’. Dan dalam blackjack online Anda akan kembali mengklik tombol ‘Hit’.

Beberapa opsi bermain berikutnya mungkin tidak tersedia di semua meja bermain atau game blackjack online, tetapi mereka perlu diketahui. Periksa untuk melihat aturan apa yang diizinkan tabel atau game online sebelum bergabung.

Berpisah: Membelah berarti mengambil sepasang kartu dengan nilai nominal yang sama, seperti dua kartu 7, dan memecahnya menjadi dua tangan yang terpisah. Anda membagi pasangan dengan menggeser taruhan lain ke dalam lingkaran taruhan, dan dealer akan memberi Anda kartu lainnya untuk masing-masing membuat kartu baru. Pertahankan pasangan yang berpisah selama kasino mengizinkan karena semakin banyak tangan yang Anda miliki akan meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk menang.

Double Down: Untuk permainan ini Anda akan menggandakan taruhan asli Anda; tentu saja, jika Anda menang, Anda akan menerima pembayaran 3: 2 pada taruhan gabungan. Hanya gunakan permainan ini jika Anda hanya ingin menekan satu kartu lagi karena sekali Anda menggandakan dan menerima satu kartu lagi Anda harus berdiri terlepas dari kartu apa yang Anda terima. Beberapa kasino memungkinkan Anda untuk menggandakan pasangan yang berpisah. Jika opsi ini diizinkan, lakukanlah.

Menyerah: Tidak semua orang menyukai opsi ini. Ini mirip dengan melipat di poker. Anda akan menyerah jika Anda ingin keluar dari putaran karena Anda merasa tangan Anda benar-benar tidak menguntungkan. Perbedaannya adalah bahwa dalam penyerahan Anda akan menerima setengah dari taruhan asli Anda kembali daripada kehilangan semua taruhan Anda. Tapi seperti melipat, Anda akan kehilangan tangan Anda.

Asuransi: Dalam opsi ini Anda menghadapi dealer yang memiliki kartu as. Pada saat itu Anda dapat menempatkan asuransi pada taruhan Anda. Jika dealer memiliki blackjack alami atau berakhir dengan 21, Anda masih akan menang pada taruhan asuransi Anda.

Bermain blackjack dimulai dengan memilih meja untuk dimainkan. Anda akan ingin memilih meja dengan taruhan minimum yang Anda sukai dan dengan aturan yang Anda sukai. Dalam kasus bermain blackjack onlineAnda akan mencari yang sama kecuali bahwa Anda tidak akan meletakkan di meja. Tempatkan taruhan pertama Anda dengan memasukkan chip Anda ke dalam lingkaran taruhan Anda. Setelah semua pemain memasang taruhan mereka, dealer akan membagikan dua kartu pertama. Kemudian dia akan membagi dua kartu, biasanya satu menghadap ke atas dan satu menghadap ke bawah. Pada titik ini Anda membuat keputusan bermain berdasarkan kartu di tangan Anda dan kartu atas dealer. Akan bijaksana untuk merujuk pada bagan strategi dasar untuk permainan terbaik. Setelah semua permainan dilakukan, dealer akan memainkan tangannya. Penting untuk dicatat bahwa Anda tidak bermain melawan pemain lain, hanya dealer. Adalah mungkin bagi Anda untuk menang melawan dealer dan untuk pemain lain juga. Pembayaran dilakukan kepada mereka yang menang, dan babak baru akan dimulai. Jika Anda bermain blackjack online, ronde itu,

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Game Poker


Permainan poker telah ada selama bertahun-tahun. Telah dimainkan di saloons of the West lama, di garis depan medan perang, dan kasino di seluruh dunia. Satu-satunya aturan poker yang konstan adalah bahwa Anda harus bermain dengan celana Anda, bahkan ketika teman Anda berakhir untuk malam poker mingguan. Anda tidak pernah dibiarkan telanjang, paling tidak sampai sekarang.

Poker online telah menjadi industri tersendiri. Ada atau di situs web yang didedikasikan untuk memainkan permainan poker dari kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri dan, ya, bahkan di pakaian dalam Anda. Anda tidak lagi harus memasuki ruangan yang dipenuhi asap dan melemparkan beberapa ratus dolar di atas meja untuk memainkan apa yang telah menjadi olahraga yang sangat populer.

Ada banyak alasan untuk bermain poker di rumah di luar persyaratan pakaian dan tidak tersedak asap. Situs online harus berusaha keras untuk memikat orang ke situs mereka sehingga ada beberapa hal berbeda yang dapat mereka coba untuk mendapatkan perhatian pemain. Banyak situs menawarkan uang poker gratis, atau uang kertas poker gratis. Biasanya, ini adalah uang yang hanya tersedia untuk bermain poker di situs tertentu. Ada juga bonus poker tanpa deposit yang sering berarti Anda bermain secara gratis tanpa memasukkan uang aktual ke dalam permainan.

Taktik lain oleh situs poker online adalah menawarkan kode bonus poker. Kode bonus poker online ini bervariasi tergantung pada situs mana yang Anda kunjungi. Yang perlu diingat tentang mereka adalah mereka tidak tersedia di kasino atau ruang poker yang sebenarnya. Ini adalah kesepakatan yang bagus, tergantung pada bonusnya. Banyak situs yang memperdebatkan siapa yang memiliki bonus poker online terbaik, tetapi jangan mengambil kata orang lain untuk itu. Melakukan pekerjaan rumah dengan jumlah yang tepat di situs-situs ini dan memastikan keamanan identitas Anda serta memastikan bahwa Anda memiliki waktu yang baik.

Pengait lain yang dapat digunakan situs poker adalah bahwa beberapa pemain poker terkenal menggunakan dan mendukung situs mereka. Jika hal semacam itu adalah sesuatu yang Anda sukai, maka ini adalah situs untuk Anda. Namun, orang harus ingat bahwa hanya karena orang terkenal mendukung sesuatu tidak berarti mereka benar-benar menggunakannya. Situs online sangat mirip dengan ruang poker dan kasino yang sebenarnya dan masing-masing memiliki nuansa yang berbeda dan Anda harus mencoba menemukan yang membuat Anda merasa paling nyaman.

Poker online telah menjadi bentuk permainan yang sangat populer. Itu dapat dimainkan tanpa ada orang lain di lokasi Anda yang sebenarnya. Seseorang di Florida dapat meningkatkan taruhan dan seseorang di California dapat menyebutnya. Apapun situs yang Anda pilih, yang utama adalah bersenang-senang.

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Secret Strategies about How To Stop Betting

Are you really comfortable with this scenario?

You combined your friends and proceeded to the local casino to get a good time prior to going for dinner with your wife and kids. Well, you said to yourself,”I am simply accompanying these men and will probably put a guess or two to get fun, absolutely nothing ” Following that, you ended up dropping 50% of your salary and also on mindthat you could possibly find everything rear in the subsequent bet, which may never turn out your manner. Forgetting your own wife and kids waiting in your house. If that’s the case, you have gambling addiction and don’t understand just how exactly to quit gaming.

We all know that gambling is a severe problem and it does endure its fangs on somebody who didn’t understand that. Without a doubt there are occasions when gaming makes a enjoyable and exciting adventure from the welcomed adrenaline rush very similar to ski fanatics proceeding downhill at eighty mph.

We all love this feeling, however with gaming Judi Poker  , the proportion of you moving within the limit is far higher than other type of games. Problem gamblers do not know how exactly to stop betting and completely engaged on it. When you crossed the line, there’s not any turning back for a lot of circumstances. This may be that the statistic, up to 5% of social gamblers, are problem addicts or gamblers. To put it differently out of 20 persons, 1 person has betting dependence, and it is an issue which we couldn’t look away.

How often times have we heard stories and on occasion even knew about such men and women who lost all of it in gaming? Tonnes. Think or not, such a problem delivers out the bad in men and women. Most cases of domestic violence, thefts, theft and more, stemmed from problem gambling which went out from mind or hand within this case.

In the past several decades, with much better access to this world wide web and internet amusement, gambling or gaming online was a just click away from anywhere and all the afternoon. Much like ordinary individuals sharing their day on Facebook, those addicts are just throwing off income while in broad daylight and also that the supervisor is another door.

However, all hope isn’t lost just yet, better solutions and treatments also have surfaced due to ongoing research and studies. A great deal of powerful techniques and treatments have served people about how to stop gaming and lower and sometimes maybe totally stop any relapse situation.

Included in these are:

1 ) ) restricting the money you carry. People are more vulnerable to gaming when funds is readily available.

2) Distracting your self by doing something else.

3) Think of your family members.

4) Attain to get support from local group or community. These helps as you possibly can talk about your emotions rather than hold it all in.

Simply believe in your self and follow along with techniques or treatment all of the way through. You will be able to renew your own life today, in the event you prefer to buy to be.

Douglas C.

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Casino Card Games


There are 3 different types of casino card games — Poker, Black Jack and Baccarat. All these games have been played in virtually every casino all over the whole world. Though, some people play leisure, you will find individuals who bet and gamble. The card matches played in casinos usually involve a lot of dollars on bets and the stakes are high.

Poker is played with a normal deck of 52 cards. An dominoqq of cards is composed of four suits, spades, diamonds, hearts and clubs. Sometimes the match requires for less or more cards — the most common variation being the accession of wildcards such as jokers. Sometimes the ace could be the lowest position card as an alternative of the maximum score card. In a few matches, it may be the best and the maximum card. The joker is included in every combinations. The use of this joker depends upon the kind of the game. Any other card may also become the joker. The amount of cards dealt depends on the match being played. In draw poker five cards have been dealt, during stud poker it may possibly vary from five to seven. The other varieties of poker are Caribbean poker and Omaha Hi.

Black Jack or 21 comes from the French game named’Vingt-et-un.’ In Western casinos, the principles are simplified but rigid. More frequently two different packs of cards have been used. From the casinos, there are constant dealers. The dealer shuffles the cards and a new player cuts the package. Cards are dealt in the clockwise direction. Various ways of coping are employed depending on the stakes involved and the gambling.

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A Review of the 100 11.5g Texas Hold Em Poker Chip Place

So when do men and women most respect chips? In general, it appears to be that folks see them most valuable once they’re winning them! While this holds correct, there’s just another way you can acquire processors without even dropping these in a game that is contested. You could always buy a listing of chips for your personal collection.

While you can find a lot of sets on the current market, maybe not all of the places have tremendous value connected with them. This can be due to their pedestrian layout. But whenever you produce a buy of this one hundred 11-5g Texas Holdem Poker Set, you are procuring a pair that is anything but pedestrian.

To produce an extremely valuable poker collection, it becomes essential to set lots of work into the plan process. This is really so that the chips will wind up building a special belief on users do to the exact obvious fact that the chips really are unquestionably not some thing that could ever be labeled run of the mil. This may be true for this 100 11-5g texas hold em Poker Chip Set as its design is utterly superb p2play.

Of course, design and style can simply choose any artificial thing so considerably. The genuine manufacturing of this thing needs to be livelihood and of their highest acceptable requirements. The factories that produce the one hundred 11-5g Texas Holdem Poker Chip Set clearly know this which is why they offer such excellent collections.

What makes the design so unique is how the fact that 10 distinct colors are weaved into the look of the established. And the production of these particular chips deals with the use of a composite resin which adds a weighted feel towards the processors. That’s probably that the 1 signature that is most evocative of skilled casino grade design. The 100 11-5g texas hold em Poker Collection is something which has been cranked out in an assembly line fashion. A amazing deal of effort into creating those processors and this sort of work is definitely valued.

These chips have definitely been

by step in a artistic way. The inscription of”Holdem Poker” is visible on each and every chips and that’s a nice touch that adds a great deal of flair to your own demonstration. Such touches definitely create the purchase with the set really worth every penny.

And, incidentally, have you ever seen that a exquisite case than the one that one hundred 11-5g texas hold em Poker Chip Collection is contained in? This mahogany instance will not only retain the poker chip set safe, but it will also allow the set to keep a ornamental appearance thanks to the craftsmanship which enters the design of the cases.

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